pARametric: Empowering In-Situ Parametric Modeling in Augment Reality for Personal Fabrication.


Parametric modeling software is a powerful design tool for controlling dimensions, accessing high-quality model libraries, and iterating on design concepts. However, its steep learning curve, complex user interfaces, and lack of support for spatial understanding can hinder novice users from creating reusable and precise solid models. To overcome these barriers, we intro- duce pARametric , an augmented reality (AR) system that provides an effortless parametric modeling experience in situ. This system features an immersive sketching platform for freehand sketching, a transformer-based parametric sketch construction algorithm, and an AR interface that offers intuitive hand-to-virtual geom- etry interaction for 3D modeling operations. In pARametric, a novice designer without experience in 3D modeling can create parametric models for personal fabrication. Our system uses en- vironmental information as design references to make decisions about structure, dimension, and shape. The system allows users to express their design intents by sketching in freehand rather than mastering the sophisticated operations of existing modeling software. We also incorporate widely used 3D modeling fea- tures such as extrusion, revolution, sweep, and mirror to create a wide variety of models. In a user study with 8 participants, we discovered that novice designers see great potential in pARa- metric to enhance their capabilities and willingness to engage in parametric modeling for design. We further discuss how our system can be integrated into traditional parametric modeling workflows to benefit a wider range of designers for visualization and collaboration on sophisticated design tasks.

In *ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. *
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